Written by: Woodland Windows & Doors
Your rental property's windows affect your tenants' quality of life as well as the value of your rental property. Good windows can help create a comfortable environment where your tenants can live well. Quality windows can also help stage your home, making it more attractive when prospective tenants come to view your rental home or apartment building.
Whether you're a landlord with one property or twelve, it's important to consider the quality of your property's windows. The professionals at Woodland Windows and Doors are here to help you find quality windows that you can trust. Our apartment window replacement options meet the highest HOA community standards and are designed to last.
We work with landlords, property owners, home flippers,
construction professionals,
general contractors, and more. We can help you decide which type of windows to install in your investment property in the Chicago area. Below, we've listed six important reasons to care about your rental property.
Many years ago, property owners who wanted to improve window energy efficiency had few options. Some installed storm windows, some weatherstripped every year, and some just lived with drafts and hot spots.
If your rental property has older, poor quality windows, this can affect your rental property's indoor spaces, causing problems for landlords and tenants alike.
Stylish new windows can make your rental property more attractive to tenants. There are multiple ways that high quality windows can make your rental property more attractive.
When the time comes to sell your rental property, features like energy-efficient new windows can make your rental home worth more money. You'll get more from your investment when you install high-quality windows from a reputable Chicago window dealer and installer. This is why many people turn to the professionals at Woodland Windows and Doors for their rental home and apartment window replacement.
One of the most rewarding things about being a landlord or rental property owner is knowing that the people who live in your properties are comfortable and happy. Good windows play a big role in tenant comfort and overall satisfaction. Here are some reasons that landlords turn to Woodland Windows and Doors for apartment window replacement in the Chicago area:
Old windows have a way of leaking. Older, inefficient windows can also accumulate condensation, which can lead to water damage on the walls and window sills. Don't forget: where there's water, there could also be mold. This can lead to health problems for tenants, and certainly can lead to maintenance problems for you or your property management company.
Installing new windows can prevent leaks in several ways. New windows from Woodland Windows and Doors naturally fit better and are designed to last. They're also designed to be efficient and are less likely to have problems like window condensation. We can even customize your windows with condensation resistant glass, which can help your rental properties stay dry, clean, and free of window-related water damage.
Building codes have changed a lot over the years. Rental properties are required to adhere to specific building codes that protect renters and maintain a comfortable indoor environment. If your rental property has older windows, it may not be compliant with current building codes. It's important to work with a contractor that understands window regulations for rented properties.
This is why many property owners turn to Woodland Windows and Doors for Chicago apartment window replacement and window replacement in rental homes. We've been servicing rental homes in the Chicago area for decades, and we've built our reputation on providing high-quality windows.
Poor quality windows and old windows can make your rental house less appealing to prospective tenants. Ultimately, old windows can devalue your apartment building or rental home, leading to lower rents and lower profits.
At Woodland Windows and Doors, we sell windows in many brands and styles. From Quaker windows to Andersen windows, we sell high quality windows that landlords and property owners trust. Call us today to get started with your free consultation to discuss your apartment window replacement.
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